Ryksyll Moo

If you are interested in it, please read this page, and the economy page.  Also read all the info pages on Mycle.  You can read the stories or not, I'll post the non-adult stories later today, they aren't edited yet and will probably be trashed, when I rewrite, but that's another matter.

The webpage to the game itself is here: http://moo.ryksyll.com:8889, to telnet into the game go here: telnet://moo.ryksyll.com:8888

If you want to help please leave me an email.

This is where I plan on putting the features of the moo I'm developing, Don't expect to see this for at least a year, I still need to get builders in and stuff like that.

The MOO will be set in Ryksyll which is the capital of Kiad.  That means that we'll probably take in all of Kiad as well.

Moo Philosophy

The moo will be age restricted, or as age restricted as I can.  I'm fed up with 14 year olds coming onto sites that I play on and being rude and obnoxious to all the players.  I also may want to have public adult content.  I'm not saying sex in the streets, but some streets might have that.  What I'm saying is that violence and public nudity would probably be ok.  If I do go this way I'd have to set aside rooms where RPed sex would be banned, that way people can still RP what they like without having to worry too much about running in on anyone's love making.

I will also try to come up with a twink filter.  For those of you who don't know what a twink is, its a person who refuses to play to the theme of the online game.  A person who is overbearing in their RP, usually can't type, and their poses are very short and not very fun to RP with.  They also refuse to learn.

I'll have people who approve the players as the log in for the first time.  Generally looking over the description to make sure it fits the world of mycle.  And that the person isn't a clueless twink.  On one PERN M* I go to they try to do this, but for some reason the worst people get through, there's one person who's character age is 9 and dresses like a Hooter's waitress.

That reminds me of another thing, a lot of my old friends hate rping with young characters, so I think I'll make the minimum age requirement of all characters to be at least 18.  That also means that I can say that 'all characters portraied in this moo are 18 and older'.

Available races from the story line

I will probably start strictly with humans but I will expand into the following races.  All races will be equal and can take on any job they want

I may let the cats and wolves in from the start, but they won't have their own areas and have to be part of the city.  There will probably be smaller villages later on.

Features of the MOO


I'll allow messenger, and Light battle dragons.  Of the Sun, moon and nature dragon type.  I'm leary of including the Light Battle Dragons, but have to have some variety.  A lot of the people I talk to are on the PERN M* and some of them prefer the messenger dragons anyways.  They like the idea of a small dragon, unlike the PERN dragons which are a minimum of 20 meters (about 66 feet long).  A messenger dragon is about 12 feet long and a Light Battle Dragon is about 23 feet long.  And my dragons can wash themselves and can take care of themselves.


I plan on having all the guilds I have listed, don't know which I'll start with though.

I don't know about having a sorcerer guild or a sex sorcerer guild yet.  I'll have to think about it, as well as a mage's guild.  I want non-magical guilds established first.  The only magical one I'll have is the Healer Guild from the beginning.

I may make the tailor guild incharge of all the clothes, selling, and repairing.  I haven't decided yet if I should let them 'own' the clothes and people just use them.  This would allow people to lose their clothes in the street and someone to pick them up later and sell them off.  It also allows people to steal clothes from others and the person couldn't @move them back.  I don't know about this.  But it also means that the player who bought the clothes can't change the description.  This can be a good or a bad thing depending on how you look at it.  A player can't customize the clothing to suit their character.  But it also means that the tailors will get paid for the customizing and maybe have them set up for apprentices to do that as well, a good way to advance in the guild.

Those are the major things for the moo, most of them are done but I'm still working on other things.  Any features you think might be nifty I can add them in if I can figure out how to code them and if I have time.  I just wish I had a stable machine to put the moo on so I can start inviting people in to start building.

Moo IC Areas

Area Leaders Looking for help


Seris Jaylen and Warnik Players only
Tisullu **Closed**
Hrisk **Closed**
Wriskuik **Closed**
Naluk Heuphonis Players Only


Tailor Working on the Code, no leaders yet. 

We have to wait till I'm done with the code before letting a leader take over.

Healers StormMyst Players and Builders
Mage **Not open yet**
Black Smith Meinrad Players and Builders
Guard **Open**
Bard Jewel Players only
Baker Rumpert Players only
Stable (animal guild) **Closed**
Merchant **Closed**
Theives ** Not opened yet. **


Faier's Tavern **Closed**
Celeste's Tavern Celeste Players only

Other Areas 

Ryksyll City Needs building
King's Soilders **Open**
Duke's Soilders Kazlel Players Only
Castle Ryksyll Girtik Players and Builders

Things I need to do

This is just a things I need to do list.  It'll take a while to go through the list but I wanted to get these things down.

If you guys who read this have anymore ideas just lemme know and I'll try adding it to the list.

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